🔥Trade the Keyword
A space keyword market opens for trading the preoccupied star names (keywords)
You can search for and purchase keywords, and at the time of purchase, you will be issued a certificate of ownership of the star name (keyword). Moreover, you can also register and sell your star keywords in the market. Once the payment completes, the keyword is transferred, and the ownership is registered to the buyer's 'My Star' account. There are two ways to sell keywords in the market: auction and fixed price.
The owner of a keyword sets a time for keyword sale and registers it in the market, and the buyer make a bid for the keywords they want. The person who bids the highest price at the last time can purchase the keyword. The higher the scarcity and value, the higher the selling price.
[Expected fierce competition for keyword preoccupation]
In the past, competition for domain addresses in the online market was quite fierce. That is because anyone who preempted a domain address could sell it to a company or individual at a higher price. Winning a good domain address used to be no different from winning the lottery. A fierce preoccupation with star name keywords is expected in Another Universe.
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